Payroll service


Payroll service

Payroll management service is a new trend of human resource management and is increasingly used in many countries. Do you want to keep salary information absolutely confidential for internal employees, or you do not have a need to recruit a regular employee in the enterprise or the salary budget for this job is not enough to hire an employee capable of doing all work items and solving problems that arise.

  Then, the payroll management service becomes more effective with outsourcing this work at a cheaper and easier cost. This service creates many financial benefits if you are a small or medium enterprise owner, when the budget is not enough to pay for a full-time employee to do all the related work from calculating salary, reporting insurance, personal income tax finalization, no need to invest in payroll software, ensuring a full, smooth, accurate and timely work without personnel payroll, initial record keeping enough that helps enterprise to refer and check at any time.

At Bao Lam BPO, payroll management services include salary calculation, tax, social insurance payments, employee benefits and other arising administrative tasks and bring different strengths :

  • The management team are experienced experts, knowledgeable in the law and constantly updated on labor policies.
  • Application IT system, two-layer security, instant response to inquiries of enterprises/employees.
  • Helping enterprises save time and costs of proofreading and reviewing.

Our payroll staff are really dedicated, detailed and qualified to advise on labor and salary for enterprises and each employee. Our payroll management services bring outstanding values ​​to customers:

  • High infomation security
  • Accuracy
  • Compliance with Labor Law
  • Affordability

As a provider of a full package of human resource outsourcing solutions, accurately calculating wages and benefits, monitoring regimes, implementing declaration, payment and feedback for each employee, updating Labor laws and policies, …


Calculating salary and managing employee records :

1. Manage, update and maintain employee database

2. Check attendance and reward with partner enterprises

3. Calculation of salary

4. Make pay slips to employees

5. Making general payroll

Complete the procedures with the authorities :

1. Complete legal procedures related to social insurance

(Declaration, request for payment of insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance)

2. Make periodic personnel reports at the request of the authorities

3. Carrying out tax procedures including personal income tax

(employee's tax identification number, tax report, etc.)

4. Personal income tax calculation for employees

5. Managing personal income tax withholding (PIT) for employees at the enterprise and making PIT finalization at the end of the year

6. Structure and management of annual employee benefits, medical benefits, bonuses.

Employer Contact

Fill out all required information to submit to the employer.


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Email (optional)
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Citizen ID
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Current place of residence (Commune, district, province)
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Job position: Worker, Office,...
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Desired Work Location (Industrial Park, Company Name, Province)
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Work Experience (Brief Summary - if any)
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